Farm house wedding photos in Saline MI.
This was an absolutely gorgeous wedding. We started out at a family farmhouse southeast of Wellers for our getting ready pictures. The family had a gorgeous place for our photos. We spent about an hour playing around and having a great time before we left to head over to East Garden at Wellers in Saline.
The service in Wellers East Garden.
The service at Weller’s was held in the East garden on a beautiful fall day. The colors were turning, some of the leaves had fallen but it was an absolutely gorgeous event. We use some filtering to accentuate the reds on some of the images. Some might appreciate this, others might not but it’s fun to play and see what we can come up with for our couples.
Wrapping up outside and heading in for the party.
After the service we took a few family photos before we moved in for cocktails and the party in the Raisin River Room. It was such a fun night with this group. Everyone was in high spirits and in a playful mood. That makes all the difference in the world when you’re shooting a wedding. Groups like this make for a very fun time and a creative feeling that just flows throughout the room. We hope you enjoy the photos and wish the couple the very best!
Looking forward…
If you are looking for a great spot for your wedding, call Wendy Weller at Wellers of Saline at 734-429-2115 and tell them we sent you over.
We can’t wait for our next Wellers wedding! In your journey to see more great wedding photography from LOCATION, check out NAMES wedding here.
A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images is for our web presence. This helps us should someone stumble on one of our images. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it. Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.
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Getting Ready: Farm House wedding Saline MI
Wedding Service: Wellers East Garden
Reception: Raisin River Rm Wellers Saline
Photographer: Patrick A.

We now arive at Wellers of Saline for the wedding service in the East Gardens on a gorgeous fall day.