Maria & Alexander: St. Mary’s Ukrainian Southfield Wedding & Grosse Pointe War Memorial Wedding Photos

January 15
Patrick Abel wedding photograph
Patrick A. Photographer
Alexander & Maria’s wedding at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Southfield & reception Grosse Pointe War Memorial Wedding Photos.

Some weddings have a wonderful story to tell that stands out for some special reason.  This was one of those weddings.  One day the phone rang and on the line was a woman who said she was a writer for the Detroit News and was looking around the web on behalf of her brother who was out of the country but coming back in town to get married.  She had stumbled on our web site and liked our work and wanted to talk about options.  Her brother was in Singapore and his fiancée was in Spain and both were working for the World Bank.  

About the Wedding Photography…

They were very busy and needed help finding a photographer for their upcoming wedding.  I was so excited about this job, I love to travel and was thinking this was going to be truly a world class wedding.  And I was not disappointed.  I remember reading Hemingway pointing out that if a writer could think about what it was about the moments that really made you feel something and find a way to put that down, you would really have the essence of the moment in your hand.  

Looking forward…

For me, I love being in a room of intelligent people and listening to them talk.  I love even more being in a room of intelligent people and listening to another language being spoken.  We just tried to hang around and let our cameras do the work that night. I will let the photos tell the rest of the story from here.

We can’t wait for our next GPWM wedding!

In your journey to see more great wedding photography from GPWM, check out Tracy & Parnell’s wedding here.

A note on our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images are for our web presence.  This helps us should someone stumble on one of our image. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it.  Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.

Click here to see our photographer portfolios…   |   Important tips on hiring a photographer…

The Knot Best of Weddings 2023 Certificate Special Moments Photography
Knot Best of 2023

Wedding:  St. Mary’s Ukrainian Southfield
Reception:  Grosse Pointe War Memorial Grosse Pointe Farms
Decorations:  Mad About Balloons
Photographer:  Patrick A.   &  photojournalist