Some thoughts…
What a great group to work with at Kings Court Canterbury Village for this wedding! We split up and worked with the ladies in one room and the men in another room at the hotel. Everyone was having a great time. At Kings Court Castle Chapel the families converged in preparation for the wedding service. Everything was in place when Janine walked in with her father.

After the service Yogi & Janine and their best friends walked around the grounds in Canterbury Village for some fun shots. The reception was held in the ballroom upstairs where they danced and played all night.
Looking forward…
We wish them the very best and hope you enjoy the beautiful photos!
We can’t wait for our next Kings Court Canterbury wedding!
A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images are for our web presence. This helps us should someone stumble on one of our image. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it. Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.
Click here to see our photographer portfolios… | Important tips on hiring a photographer…

Getting Ready: Sonesta Select Detroit Auburn Hills
Wedding: Kings Court Chapel
Other Spots: Canterbury Village
Reception: Kings Court Castle
Photographers: Ryan L. & Sherry S.