Amber & Roy’s romantic Scottish wedding at a Culzean Castle wedding in Ayrshire Scotland. A lot of our clients want to know where our logo came from. These are some highlights from that wedding we shot at the Culzean Castle in Ayrshire Scotland. You might recognize the groom as a very good photographer himself, Mr. Roy Ritchie who shoots a lot of commercial and fashion work.
The Cameras…

This was such a special wedding in so many ways. One of the main things about this event is that it was shot on Leica Cameras. They are without question one of the finest cameras ever made. The optics of these lenses is so precise that one National Geographic photo editor claimed he could always tell when an images was shot on them when he looked at the slide under magnification.
The prints…
The second important piece of information I think that is worth talking about the printing of this album. All the images were hand printed by one of the finest black and white printers in the country at the time. Mr. Pat O’Malley spent hour upon hour on the prints. They are all hand printed. Often you will see in a fine art print exhibition or museum prints with jagged looking bounder. This is done by the printer filling out their carrier to prove that the entire image of what was captured in camera is being shown. This is a way to prove out that no manipulation was done to the images by cropping and only showing part of the original image.
The Bound Book…
If you come to our studio you can see for yourself what a hand bound book looks like. It takes craftspeople many years to develop the skills to hand bind books. After months of work, the prints were finally ready. We sent them to a book binder out east that specialized in hand bound book restoration and production. What we got back was truly a work of art. They used the old techniques for hand binding of books that has been used for centuries.
International Competition…
We submitted this final book to the Professional Photographers of America annual competition. It was awarded a Blue Ribbon. The album was then elevated to consideration for the International Loan Collection where it was accepted. This is their highest honor and those from submission then go on tour around the globe making stops in various cities hosting the exhibition each year. It is truly a work of art and we are very proud of it.
We can’t wait for our next Scotland wedding!
In your journey to see more great wedding photography and learn about our packages, click here.
Awarded: PPA International Loan Collection & Best Album of the Year in International Competition
Check out our video compilation of some of our favorites here.
A note about our logo on these photos…
The logo you see on these BLOG post images are for our web presence. This helps us should someone stumble on one of our image. It can lead them back to our site and we just might get a new booking from it. Your final images will be free of watermarks and ready for you to print or post.
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Wedding: Culzean Castle Ayrshire Scotland
Reception: Culzean Castle & Country Park in Scotland
Photographer: Patrick Abel